Psalm 122:6
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem:
“May they prosper who love you.
Alex, the current president of CME, was introduced to brother Roman Galis in 2015 by a mutual acquaintance. Since then, through the donations of various donors, CME has been supporting many projects initiated by brother Roman and his team.
They run a drug and alcohol men’s rehab center. Due to limited space, their capacity is up to 10 men. Since its opening, the rehab center has housed and successfully reintegrated many men back into society by helping them break their addictions.
The church also helps run a humanitarian aid center where people in need of household items and clothing can come and get whatever they need at no cost to them. They also use this opportunity to share the Gospel with the people that come as well as invite them to their church services.
Brother Roman has also authored several books on theological foundational topics to help those that are new to the faith understand Biblical truths.